It Takes A Village – Week 19

Song of Solomon, the poetic journey of two lovers, is believed to have been authored by king Solomon though some biblical scholars deem it possible it was written by another and dedicated to the king. Either way, we know that it was written from the innermost intimate part of the heart. It is the book often referred to as the one that unravels the sexuality of the human spirit. It is a book that possesses the ability to make even the most vocal on the subject ponder and pause meditating on how physical love was created to be: a weaving of two hearts for one greater purpose.

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the young women love you!
Take me away with you—let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into his chambers.

We rejoice and delight in you;
we will praise your love more than wine.

Song Of Solomon 1:1-4

Jewish tradition reads the book as a correlation between God and His chosen people, Israel, whereas Christian tradition reads the book as a correlation between Christ and His bride- the church. Either way, either correlation, it is a picture of what desire and commitment should look like in the human condition- not only between and man and a woman in marriage but between us and heaven’s throne.

Life Application:

In a world gone rogue, our sexual nature is probably the most muddled, perverted, and hardest hit part of our being by an enemy who desires to destroy us. And it would seem that he is intent on poisoning the most intimate part of our being in order to destroy the relationship between us and our Creator. The very Creator who moulded our sexuality in His image when He created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Our Creator who knew before all time and eternity how the enemy’s sexual deviance would ripple throughout our world taking lives and darkening souls.

Of these truths we must be aware. We must educate not only ourselves but our children of the enemy’s tactics and the war we must fight each and every day. And we must protect each other within our community. Are we setting up boundaries within our village to safeguard our marriages? Are we keeping our eyes and ears open to protect our children? And are we learning the truths of sexuality by pressing into God’s Word or pressing a few buttons to search Google?

Though it is not always comfortable, it is necessary. We are all aware of the statistics hearing our fair share of stories of others who’s brokenness has caused a ripple effect throughout families, schools, and communities. But we must remember that God’s sovereignty is still at work and freewill means the choice is always ours to make. The consequences are not.

Father, please protect my heart and safeguard my soul from the enemy and his tactics bent on destroying all that you hold dear. Help me to protect my children and the marriage you have bound together for your good and perfect purposes. In Jesus name, amen.

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