In a hurry, I haphazardly sliced through the leather-like skin of a pomegranate and began to dig my way through the white flesh uncovering the juicy blood-red seeds. After I had filled the bowl I moved it aside and noticed the telltale streaks smeared across the cutting board. Drops of red in various sizes assaulted the countertop, floor, and my clothes. Even though I knew the damage this simple piece of fruit could cause, I wasn’t mindful and now suffered the aftermath of a sticky mess and a stain that would forever remind me of my carelessness.
Consequences. Like a tagalong little brother to sin, consequences have the ability to follow us wherever we go. With little regard for our thoughts and feelings, consequences- whether good or bad- are inevitable in every decision making situation and circumstance we find ourselves facing.
The Apostle Paul put it best in a letter he wrote to the early church in Galatia. With a desire to free the church from the rituals of which they were accustomed in order to find their freedom in Christ alone, Paul put his heart to quill and encouraged these early Christians in the reformation of their character. The Apostle Paul is famous for sharing one of the greatest of wisdoms:
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:7-8
In the world’s words one would say what comes around goes around, you are what you eat, and karma will come and get you. And whether a soul chooses to recognize Christ’s existence and power or not, the fact that consequences exist in life does not change.
When we side step the direction our moral compass points, the repercussions tend to follow us for there are always consequences when we choose to govern ourselves instead of allowing Christ to govern our heart and head by way of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom would remind us that it is a choice. It is always a choice.
And this is why the Lord in His great wisdom and extravagant love desires us to choose to submit unto His authority and live by His rules. Christ wants us to be mindful of our thoughts and actions so that we won’t have to deal with the streaky, sticky aftermath of sin. Sins that have the ability to cause such deep staining upon our soul that we are constantly reminded of our carelessness.
Father, when I choose to be mindful of your ways, submitting to your authority and rules, I am not bound but truly free from the expectations of this world. Though my sins may be as red as scarlet, you Jesus can make them as white as snow. In Jesus name, amen.
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