Leviticus 5:18, He shall bring to the priest a ram without blemish out of the flock, or its equivalent for a guilt offering, and the priest shall make atonement for him for the mistake that he made unintentionally, and he shall be forgiven.

My daughter looked at me with registered shock upon her pale face. Her little sister had managed her get her hands in the craft bucket after I had already warned my child to move it from the edge of the table and out of the preschooler’s grasp. Her little sister managed to take said craft bucket and let it slip from her tiny, sweaty hands.

A confetti of sparkles, multi-coloured glitter, beads, twinkly jewels, and ribboned tissue paper rained down upon the shiny clean wood floor. Standing in the centre of the shower, my daughter appeared fearful as the mess swirled around her. The image akin to shaking a snow globe of candy colours. The mass of glitter and mess twinkled beneath the bright overhead lights.

Just moments before, when my daughter was frustrated and annoyed trying to make her craft, I corrected a moment of anger when she was unable to fix a mistake. I explained that everyone sometimes feel frustrated, but acting out in anger will not solve the problem nor allow her creativity to emerge in order to find a solution to her problem.

So how was her clean-freak of a mother going to react in a moment of frustration of her own?

I stood in silence and surveyed in the mess. I took a deep breath as I went to gather the broom and dustpan. I smiled at my eldest daughter and- admittedly- gave the stink-eye to the younger one.

I breathed in the mistake and breathed out grace. And I told my daughter that some mistakes are easily fixed. Some mistakes can be simply rectified. Some mistakes are not really mistakes because I needed to clean out that over-stuffed craft bucket anyways.

Yes beloved, some mistakes are allowed to happen in order to clean up something deeper. Something that was easily put aside and left for another day, another time. But there isn’t room for more of me if there is too much cluttering your soul.

Yes, even the little things matter. And I love His most beautiful truths: He can turn a negative into a positive. No matter how big or little the mistake may be. No matter who made the mistake.

Father, thank you for your grace in the little things. Thank you for your mercy in the little things. Thank you that you are willing to show us your heart in all things. And thank you for Christ- the One you sent without blemish to forgive each and every one of us for all our mistakes. Big or little. Amen.

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