The easy roads are crowded
And the level roads are jammed;
The pleasant little rivers
With the drifting folk are crammed.

But off yonder where it’s rocky,
Where you get a better view,
You will find the ranks are thinning
And the travellers are few.

Source Unknown

Walking through the parking lot, I came face to face with a friend of mine pushing a shopping cart carrying a large box of groceries at the bottom. I myself was headed into the store to purchase a few items. What began as a few moments soon morphed into twenty minutes of conversation. We spoke of all matters of change happening within both of our households, and how we can see how The Lord moving within the chaos.

She shared a most honest truth with me that for the last while The Lord has been helping her understand the act of discipline. The discipline she has put into practice to take greater care of her physical body through food and exercise have prepared her to understand, and put into practice, greater discipline with her bank account. A most honest truth indeed.

The word discipline even feels unsavoury when it rolls off of the tongue for discipline itself is not something that comes naturally to most of us. It is synonymous with self-discipline (or self-control) which is a fruit given to us by the Holy Spirit. The ability for us to exercise discipline exists within us, but it takes time to learn and perfect. Putting the practice of discipline into all areas of our life greatly shapes our character producing contentment in our daily life.

1 Timothy 6:6, But godliness with contentment is great gain.

It is fair to say that it’s difficult, for each of us were born with a sinful heart. Taking the easy road is most tempting when all you desire is to reach the end of the path. But anyone who has achieved great sustaining success will not tell you they achieved it on the easy road. No one looks upon the success of another and sees the long hours, moments of frustration, and the salty tears. No one looks upon the success of another and sees the overwhelming failures, bitter disappointments, constant setbacks, and sacrifice.

No one sees these things because the power of discipline in a persons life trumps these things. And when a soul is putting the fruit of self-discipline into motion, honouring God with all that they have, mountains off yonder will move.

Father, help us to submit to your spirit and walk in the power of self-discipline so that when we must walk the hard road, we will be all the better for it. In Jesus name, Amen.

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