The Art of Procrastination

Many of us have perfected the art of procrastination. Believing that we perform to our greatest capacity when put into the fire is a little tale we tell ourselves in order to alleviate the guilt of putting things off until tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes and our hands become sweaty, our heart a wee bit race-y, and we can taste the dread of having to fulfill our obligations on the back of our dry tongues.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive… ourselves. I cannot possibly be the only one.

Many of us have perfected the art of procrastination for laziness is a comforting companion. But perhaps it is not necessarily laziness that holds us back. Perhaps our habitual procrastination is merely a symptom of a much greater issue that plagues us. Perhaps it is fear that makes us close our eyes and wish for a way to stop all time and eternity from moving forward with its too rapid clip.

Psalm 34:8, Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Fear has the keen ability to wrap itself around our soul like a heavy wet wool cloak. Each and every one of our senses becomes assaulted with its presence. We shiver as it tries to work its way into the very marrow of our bones.

But in the original Greek, the word fear takes upon itself a cloak of a different nature. The word fear is translated from phebomai or phóbos which means to flee or withdraw because one is feeling inadequate. As in unable to deal with a situation or with life itself.

Not a lazy soul. Not a sweaty, heart racy-y, hot mess of a soul. No, it is a bruised soul who fights to take its very next breath. A bruised soul that pocketed somewhere along the path of life wee nuggets of lies telling them that they do not possess the ability to know their purpose. Or the ability to live it. Or fulfill it.

It is these lies of inadequacy that hold us back from stepping up and stepping out so that God can accomplish great things within us… and through us. So often we step out and do seemingly foolish things without God’s consent or direction. And then when we fail we allow the spirit of fear to take hold of our soul clouding our judgement and our ability to hear the Father’s voice.

But when we listen to God’s direction first- no matter now difficult and painful- and we step up and step out to do seemingly foolish things, God’s faithfulness becomes magnified and glorified. And it is then that our urges to flee from His call due to our fears of inadequacy begin to subside.

Let us not wait until tomorrow to see God at work in our lives today. We have dreams and visions and a soul begging to be touched by the One who loves us. When we are able to recognize what it is that is holding us back, the cloak slowly begins to unwrap itself allowing our senses to be set free.

Father, help me to see your great hand at work in my life. And help me to hear you when you call, pressing into the direction that you are aiming me to go. Thank your for your mercy as I conquer great fears by your very Spirit. In Jesus name, amen. 

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