Forging Pathways; Creating Rivers

The car was moving along at a quick clip, my hand gripping the top of the steering wheel. My mind was moving just as fast syncing one task of the day to the next. I followed along the road moving with the flow of traffic and slid through an intersection. I realized halfway through the light that I didn’t even look up to see the colour of the light. I just sailed on through following those who were sailing through before me assuming it was still a green light. My lack of good judgement could have cost me more than I was willing to give.

How very often do we find ourselves forgoing a lack of good and sound judgement believing that we know how God will work the plan for our lives together? When we see others who have gone before us with a good formula, perhaps we are tempted to follow it for ourselves thinking it’s wise.
Most assuredly there are certain paths that guarantee success, but is it our definition of success or God’s? We absolutely must learn and glean hard-won wisdom from those who have gone before us, but not every story is the same.

In the book of Isaiah we find a distraught nation of Judah longing to be released out of their captivity. A majority of the early chapters detail judgements against the people who have turned their backs against God. But the book of Isaiah itself is a foretelling of Christ’s coming- a promise of our salvation.

And God will redeem them for He is their Holy One and will make good on every promise He has made. God reminds them of the great things He has already done, but the people believed God would rescue them the very same way He did their forefathers. This is simply not so.

Isaiah 43:19, For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

The scripture seems to speak of things that are to come. Forging pathways and creating rivers would take some time to complete. But The Lord promises that He has already begun and its not going to be the very same way He has done it before.

Now is the time for us to recognize all things that The Lord has already done to send us on our new path, and time for us to recognize that we cannot assume we have a green light to sail on through following those who have sailed on through before us. The path for all is the same for the path itself is Christ, but the way we walk the path with Him is unique to every traveller.

Father, as I walk forward toward my purpose, help me to make my own footprints in the path. Use me in a most unique way that only you can, creating something new. In Jesus name, amen.


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