Soul Dusting

I moved aside the soft curtain and slowly opened the window pane to let in the unusually warm autumn air. The sun was bright and shone through the glass pane with brilliant force flooding the room. The first thing I noticed wasn’t the warmth of its rays, but the way it illuminated a long overlooked area of dust. Like a thick grey mask the dust covered a particular piece of furniture taunting me of my ignorance that it had gone untouched for so long.

And just like we have the ability to overlook some insignificant dust, we have the ability to overlook some much significant sin.

2 Timothy 2:21, Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

When we claim a commitment to seek God’s plan and purpose for our lives, we often get incredibly eager believing we’re ready to take on the world. But rest assured, the world is a dirty place and there is always a little clean up to be done. We feel we have already come so far- and we have- but in order to step into our now, we must cleanse ourselves of our latter.

We need to let go. We need to get over ourselves and be willing to admit that there may be a little more soul dusting to do. We need to stop rehashing our past, our failures; rehashing the moments where others failed us. This isn’t because God wants to hold us back from stepping forward, it’s because He deeply desires to give us a fresh start when we do. And the way I react to a little soul sweeping can determine the way others respond to the Holy Spirit at work within me.

There exists those moments where life has the ability to get the best of us and, in the flurry of the hurry, we fail to see the thick mask attempting to fix itself over an area of our soul. It’s when the dust begins to settle that the Holy Spirit can shed a little light illuminating a long overlooked area that has been left untouched.

The dust is enviable. It’s why we need to clean it up that makes all the difference.

Father, help me to see the dust that has settled in my life creating mask blocking your brilliant light. May I let go of my latter so I may fully embrace my now. In Jesus name, amen.


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