Get Out of the Boat

Have you ever had the thought that certain skills may be needed for you to step into your purpose, but you know that no where within you do those skills yet exist? Perhaps now is our time to begin learning something new that will help in the unfolding of our dreams and grand plans.

Nurturing our spirit gives us wisdom; educating our mind gives us knowledge. In order for us to achieve our ultimate potential, the two must work together to guide us in making choices and decisions that will alter our life’s path.

And these are the very thoughts of which I struggled when I hung up the phone after a meeting. I was challenged to wade into unchartered rocky waters when I’ve only just learned how to put my life jacket on. When we come across these critical markers that dot the water on our journey, we need to petition heavens throne room asking if we keep diving, will we sink or swim.

In the book of Matthew, we encounter the miracle of Jesus walking on water. It was after He had fed the large gathering of five thousand with the miracle of the loaves of bread and fish that He sent the disciples out onto the water in one boat while He went up the mountainside to pray. It was evening by the time Jesus came down from the mountain so boat had sailed out a lengthy distance in the water. Jesus needed to catch up with His disciples so He walked… right over the water. When the disciples saw Jesus’ figure moving in the early morning mist, they thought He was a ghost floating across the cool still water.

But Jesus was quick to correct their confusion. In reply Peter challenged Jesus to call him out of the boat. So Jesus called Him forward and Peter most certainly walked upon the water himself but quickly fell into disbelief that he could master such a skill and began to sink.

Matthew 14:31, Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

If Jesus has called us out of the boat, accepting our challenge and fulfilling our desire to step into our now, why do we doubt that we have the ability within us to learn and master needed skills and abilities?

God greatly desires for us to achieve success in all we do for His kingdom, but first we must acknowledge the truth that He is already standing on the water with hands stretched out towards us, and we must lean upon the wisdom that if we really want to test the waters, we must first get out of the boat.

Father, help me to let go of the doubt that grips me threatening to sink me into the water. I know that all I need has been gifted by the power of the Holy Spirit for it is in my weakness that your power is made perfect. In Jesus name, amen.

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