Great Expectations

If our time to step up is now, our time to step out is now, our time to make a decision that sticks is now, then we need to do so with acts of courage and a spirit of expectation.

Expectations have the ability to be tricky little triggers that set aflame emotions that blindside our soul. Too often we experience the aftermath of unmet expectations long before we recognize that they may have been unrealistic. To expect something is to believe in something. Reality lends us the wisdom that the only thing we should ever set our expectations high for is our faith in a God greater than ourselves.

1 Peter 1:3, All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation

In my experience I have come to identify three reasons why we may struggle with expectations in this thing called life:

  • We believe others think as we do
  • We possess ulterior motives in a circumstance
  • We allow insecurities to overshadow truth and fear any change

But God’s truth grants us incredibly valuable insight into these tricky little triggers. When we are able to let go of our opinions and expectations of others, we free ourselves from attachment to specific results that are beyond our control. We can move forward with ease and clarity. We are much more capable in giving and receiving grace from others. We can interact genuinely without hidden motives or disappointment. And we become better equipped at embracing what others have to offer.

It is truth that gives us freedom, creating opportunities for us to be of service to others in more Spirit led and authentic ways.

Now is our time to let go of the expectations we hold against ourselves- and against others- and let in the Holy Spirit. Let us live in great expectation that He will seep into the very crevices of our soul that yearn to be fulfilled.

Father, we praise you for you faithfulness. Never one to let us down, your very presence lifts us up. Thank you that every moment we collide with your Spirit it takes our breath away leaving us begging for you even more than before. And thank you that we can expect you will do it again and again. In Jesus name, amen.

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