Let It Snow

Moses had a staff, Aaron a rod, and David a speedy slingshot. Rahab had an intricately crafted rope while Tamar had a deep desire for social justice. Paul had far-reaching capabilities while being both a Jew and a Roman citizen. Barnabas had some real estate, Priscilla and Aquila had tents and an knack for making them, and Zacchaeus? Zacchaeus had money… and lots of it.

Each and every one of these great people, who all have a legacy in our history, possessed something that they could use to the best of their ability to bring glory to God and set the path for Jesus and His ministry. They have their stories, what are ours?

Ephesians 3:20, Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.

Some of the greatest damage we can do to ourselves is compare what gifts and abilities we have to those of someone else. Let us not compare ourselves to each other, but peer a little deeper into our own circumstances of life and ask ourselves what it is that we possess that is our weapon to be used by God for His kingdom.

I have a keyboard and a love of the written word. One of my mentors has a counselling office, another a prosperous business, and yet another a desire to pour into my children. Yes, just one of these weapons possesses the ability to bring forth greatness for the kingdom, but when they all work together their greatness is magnified by God’s touch.

Our specific gifts and abilities are as individual to us as each snowflake that drops from the clouds is unique to the sky. But one snowflake on its own does not have the ability to create a smothering of snow. No, it is when each unique flake is fulfilling its purpose that we witness a great symphony and a chasm- a marked interruption of continuity; a gap in our every day existence. A snowstorm in all its glory has the ability to stop all moments of time and commands the attention of every onlooker.

A moment where we encounter a God greater than ourselves we are forever changed. God’s people at work have the ability to stop all moments of time and commands the attention of every onlooker.

So let us ask ourselves this: what is it that I have that I can learn to use with skilled precision as a weapon for the kingdom of God? There is something… there is always something… for God gives abundantly to those who serve Him, and can work greatly through those that allow Him.

Father, I praise you for your mighty works and willingness to work within me. May I continue to press into you and your Word, allowing you to reveal to me what it is that I possess that is my greatest weapon for your kingdom. In Jesus name, amen.


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