It Takes A Village – Week 9

As we follow the scriptures into first and second Samuel, we see God’s presence heavily at work within the hearts of some very complex souls: Hannah, Samuel, Saul, and David. Some of the richest and deepest flaws of our humanity are witnessed in the unfolding of legacies that have shaped the way we see God weaving a life with purpose.

More battles; Israel at war with the Philistines. Defeated, God’s glory was exiled from Israel. No longer content without a flesh and bones king, the people demanded Samuel appoint a ruler for Samuel’s own sons were corrupt and deeply flawed. Crushed in spirit and warned by God of the consequences of such actions, Samuel followed through and a man named Saul was crowned king.

But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live, so that I may not be killed,and do not ever cut off your kindness from my family—not even when the Lord has cut off every one of David’s enemies from the face of the earth.”

So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, “May the Lord call David’s enemies to account.” And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself.
1 Samuel 20:14-17

It is here in the depths of Samuel 1 that we learn the truth that God looks into the heart of man and sees us for who we truly are. God’s eyes had settled upon the heart of a young man named David. He tended his father’s sheep in the fields under the cover of the stars and, in the silence, aligned his heart with God’s. David’s legacy is one of the greatest to unfold within the onion-skinned pages of the bible. From slaying a giant with a slingshot to becoming king, David teaches us the complex war sin wages against the human soul.

We learn David was to be king, appointed by God Himself, and king Saul was jealous and fearful. We find a most unique and deeply profound truth tucked within the story of David’s exile, running for his life against a jealous king determined to kill him. King Saul had a son named Jonathan who quickly became David’s closest friend and confident. When Jonathan learned of his father’s true plan to take David’s last breath, Jonathan’s heart appealed to his friend- the one chosen by God Himself. The scriptures tell us that upon their first encounter, a spiritual bond was formed. It would seem that Jonathan’s loyalty to David was formed and solidified by the hand of God, guided by His Spirit.

Life Application:

God’s character is everlasting, never changing, and always on the move within the hearts of those who make a home for His Spirit. Rest assured, when God has called us to a life purpose and adventure in His name, He has already ordained the time and place of certain people in our lives. The village and community of which we belong is ringed like a well aged tree. Even Jesus had His inner three. Those individuals whom God has placed in our path for a time and purpose. These bonds are ones nearly inexplainable in language but understood in Spirit. Who are those in your life whom challenge you in the ways of God yet aligned with your purpose and calling? And to whom in your life are you the supporting role? Every God appointed covenant friendship is designed to fill within us a deep seated need only God Himself can understand.

Father, thank you for the appointed covenant friendships you have placed within my life for a time and greater purpose. May these friends challenge me to understand your ways more clearly than my own, and keep my aligned to your purpose. May I be the greatest of these to another, may I love with intention seeing them through your eyes and not my own. In Jesus name, amen.

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