Change is never easy. And quick changes are rarely long-lasting. Rapid quick changes are usually a symptom of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction often an unconscious response to the truth that something is amiss within our soul. Something amiss within our soul is the missing presence of Jesus within an area of our life.

It’s a fickle cycle with which we find ourselves circling. But God’s path of spiritual transformation isn’t a circle for I don’t believe He desires to take us forward only to circle us back around to where we started. By our submission to Jesus and infilling of His Holy Spirit, the walls we had been circling- and banging our heads into- have already come tumbling down.

The path He desires to set us on is one that is forward moving. He is walking with us as we are being transformed into His perfected creation.

Isaiah 55:8-9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Not perfect… Perfected. His perfected image of us is not the same as our own image of perfection. His Word is clear to remind us that His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts the same as our thoughts. Let us reason this out together: if God- the Creator of the heavens and the earth- thought the way we think, why would we been in such desperate need of spiritual transformation? The process of being perfected- to be spiritually transformed, made holy, and set apart for God- is never easy nor quick but, rest assured, the spiritual change He is birthing brings great satisfaction from deep within.

Father, We thank you that your ways are so much better than ours. Help us to be patient in the process, being rest assured in your Word. And help us to let go of the false perception of perfection as we are being perfected into your image. Amen.

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