Walk into any mall made of brick, mortar, and shiny skylight glass, and you will find a large kiosk of sorts erected like a beacon. Large letters scripted across a sign spell out INFORMATION, calling all travellers to seek answers to their curiosities from the person seated on the swivel stool just waiting for them to approach.

But too often we are intimidated to approach the one with the answers on the stool, or the line up of people already waiting for attention is far too long because we are in a hurry, so we shuffle- head down- to the large illuminated blueprint of the cavernous halls that stands a few feet away. Our eyes roam eagerly seeking the tell-tale bullseye with the marked words, ‘you are here’. Once located, a sense of relief washes over with the realization that if we can locate where we are, we can find our way forward to where we desire to go.

The bullseye of which we seek is our starting point.

But if we were to unroll our blueprint as a whole, we wouldn’t see just one bullseye on the map of our life but many. We have starting points- and sometimes restarting points- in every area of our lives. Wisdom would have us remember that we cannot change the starting points that have already come to pass for they have shaped where we stand today. And today is the day of a new starting point. A fresh opportunity to learn something new, and a freshly inked line sketched upon the blueprint of our life.

The Lord’s love never ends;
his mercies never stop.
They are new every morning;
Lord, your loyalty is great.
Lamentations 3:22-23

When Jesus walked the dusty pathways and roads speaking words of truth offering living water to all who would listen, He encountered people of all walks of life. And for every new encounter, for every question answered or pondered, a new starting point began.

I can picture Jesus humbly sitting upon the swivel stool like a beacon of sorts within the cavernous paths of life. Some will avoid the asking for they simply haven’t a clue where they desire to go. Some will approach boldly with a direct line of questioning for they’re in a hurry and know where they want to go. And others, well, perhaps they are content to wait their turn in line.

Rest assured, each and every one of us has a starting point- a bullseye- in our faith and journey we begin with Jesus. This starting point is crucial in the shaping of our thoughts and feelings, the way we reason, and the moulding of our character. And the bullseye itself? Well, look closely at the heart and center of it on your blueprint. There, every so faintly, you’ll see an imprint etched within it. And that, my friend, is God’s fingerprint.

Father, Your mercies are new this day. This starting point is ours together. The information of which I seek is found in a conversation with the One whom you sent to encounter us on the road of life, Your Son Jesus. And in His name, I thank you. Amen.