The sun was high, the heat was rising, and hunger had gathered an eclectic mix of friends around a lunch table. There I sat grazing on toasty sandwiches and cold drinks discussing the ups and downs of life in the midst of change.

Knowing that these friends of mine are on a different journey than my own, I am gentle in the way I share my faith always praying that my actions will speak louder than my words ever will. It seems that life continually throws curve balls causing decisions to be made and new starting points to begin. Knowing that my husband and I are in the middle of some transitions in our life, they asked hard and raw questions curious to the pros and cons regarding a situation in our life.

I openly embraced their realness valuing the opinions each brought to the table. But in the end the only answer I had that was honest and true was the fact that hard decisions and life changes are exactly why we rely upon the faith we hold so tightly to our chest.

Faith begins when we recognize that there exists something- or someone- bigger than ourselves. Knowing that we are but a tiny speck in a vast and grand universe reveals the truth that the world- and everything in it- is as complex as we are. And faith itself seems complex… but it needn’t be.

Faith is what labours so hope may be born.

Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.
Hebrews 11:1

The book of Hebrews is an incredible account of those who stepped out in great faith to accomplish much for God’s kingdom. Every story a riveting tale of individuals who are considered heroes in the faith. And the one thing they all have in common is the fact that each and every soul had to step up, step out, and trust that God was bigger than they were.

There is great freedom in knowing that we do not have all the answers. The world and everything in it continues to move forward at a rapid clip regardless if you or I breathe another breath. But in our humanity we desire to be sure of what we cannot see worrying overmuch about the things we cannot control.

What we can control is our ability to press into something bigger that ourselves. Over time, faith strengthens us on the inside as we labour for what will come. Faith takes time to mature and deepen through life experiences and the fulfillment of hope. And when Christ’s strength grows within us it becomes an anchor that holds us firm, unwavering when life attempts to toss us to and fro.

Father, as I press into the faith that I have in your plans and purposes, press into me filling my soul with your presence. There is much that I am unsure of, and much that I struggle to control, but I know that your perfection is greater than my plans. In Jesus name, amen.