It Takes A Village – Week 4

God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?
Numbers 23:19

The book of Numbers is the account of the Israelites departure from slavery in Egypt and their laborious journey to take hold of the land God promised to their forefathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The journey was long and riddled with hardships that often lent the Israelites to frequent disobedience and an overabundance of gripping that compromised the strength of their community. Never one to turn on His children, God continued to provide miracle after miracle showing them that He was there every step of the journey but too often their faith wavered.

The book also details many rules and guidelines for the Israelites to follow including the division of the tribes and the land, and we find a historic account of each family within each tribe. The scriptures are clear to show us that each and every man, woman, and child were accounted for.

Halfway through we encounter the heartbreaking fate of their journey. Moses’ disobedience in not honouring the Lord as holy before the people as He provided yet another miracle cost them dearly. The children of Israel would not cross over into the promised land. Aaron has died, there is a great sickness, and a new leader is appointed for the people as the Lord informs Moses’ that he too will die after climbing a mountain to witness the glorious landscape that was the promised land.

Though they endure much, and God’s punishment seems harsh, there is a strong sense of mercy and compassion in God’s character that flows endlessly through the woven scriptures. God’s love for His people is evident in every detailed command declared. And steadfast, merciful, and compassionate is God’s love for His children to this very day, this very moment.

Life Application:

The book of Numbers reveals to us the great value and importance placed upon our faithfulness and trust in God. In a world gone wild, how are we as Christ’s followers honouring Him as holy before all those who are desperate and thirsty for His infilling? We must stand firm upon the foundation of our faith knowing that we are accounted for in God’s great big book. There is not one whom He has forgotten or misplaced. We are Christ’s tribe. His people. And when the time comes for His return, His people have been counted and to the promised land we will go.

Father, may my name be forever written in your book. Fill me with your Spirit so I may honour your great name to those who witness my actions and seek to understand my heart. I pray that others will be called into Your tribe so they may cross into Your promised land. In Jesus name, amen.

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