As I pulled open the dusty blinds, I was greeted by the glorious presence of sunshine. I could feel the warmth through the windowpane as it spread from the glass to my soul. I sensed my spirits lifting for I so desperately needed this bright spectacle of burning rays.

As I sat down to enjoy the mornings gift, I had but a few minutes of peace. Before long I could hear the tell-tale signs of birds making quick work of this beautiful day. There exists a small band of birds that have taken up residence on our roof. For the last several days these birds have been incredibly busy creating a nest in our eavestrough. I have witnessed their hard work of carrying bits of this and that up to the roofline, all while growing more amazed by the the racket a few little birds can create. Day after day I also grow more annoyed by this racket as their little nest morphs into a palace of sorts. This racket has disturbed my peace of mind. When I am trying to concentrate on quieting my spirit, my soul becomes aroused with anger and annoyance. These birds have overstayed their welcome and their nest must be removed from my home.

Philippians 4:8-9, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Oh, this plight of mine has brought great clarity to how the enemy works to distract us. It is as if he works hard carrying bits of this and that- painful memories, our failures and weaknesses- and uses these pieces to construct a nest within our mind. These nest are created with precision, and contain layer after layer weaved together in a most complicated pattern in order to make it difficult for us to find the beginning or the end. And he is stealthy, quick to work so that before we are even fully aware, this nest has become his palace of sorts.

And then, day after day, we become more annoyed with this racket, unable to concentrate on all that is pure and lovely and admirable. Before we know it, we- the sparrow- have made ourselves at home within these nests of deceit. We are unable to focus our minds on Christ for all we can hear is the nattering within the nest.

I shared my struggle with my husband. This nest has got to go in order for me press into Jesus within the walls of the sanctuary that is our home. And, in true heroic fashion, my better half replied, “I’ve got it. I’ll take care of the nest for you.”

Yes, in true heroic fashion, Jesus- the lover of our soul- will take care of the nest. He will not only remove the nest, but kick out the squatter who is busy at work building it. Destructing it piece by piece, removing the painful memories and lies, The Lord will bring freedom to our minds so that His little sparrows can leave the nest and fly towards the Son.

Father, as we fight distraction and the constant racket in our minds, we press into Jesus to destroy the nests the enemy is working so hard to build. We are free of what confines us, setting our minds upon all that is lovely while basking in the warmth of your Son. In Jesus name, Amen.


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