Psalm 3:3, But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

It was the kind of moment that is fleeting but oh, so raw. I took a deep breath in and muttered the swirl of emotions out.

“I am such a mess inside Lord.”

I expected silence on the other side. I was startled when I heard the soft still voice speak into my heart so quickly, “Messy girls are my favourite girls. The message- my message- is in the mess.”

I stopped my emotions in their wandering and focused in on His voice. I questioned, “Is that really you Lord?”

And then I knew it was Him, meeting this wayward child on her level. His hands were cradling my heart and fragile soul. He lifted my head towards heaven. The words I heard began to drop themselves into my soul like the sinking of skipping stones after skimming the cool rivers edge.

Drop. Drop. Drop.

I knew it was Him because I know the truth beneath the words: we’re all messy-every one of us- aren’t we? And we’re all His favourite. All of us, His beloved children.

Each and every one of us gets messy on the inside sometimes. If we didn’t, we would have no need for a Saviour now would we?

Yes, sometimes our emotions can get the best of us. They swirl about like blobs of finger-paint moved about by the chubby hands of a toddler: determined, aggressive, free. But to the parent of that child, the mess is a masterpiece in waiting. It is love and life and free of expectation. Yes, it may appear a mess, but to the only one who matters, it is art.

And so I say to you sister, raise your head up messy girl and lift your head towards heaven for you are His art. His masterpiece. And your message is in the mess.

Father, mold us. Shape us. Create your greatest art within us. Love us, keep us, forever and ever speak to us. Stop our emotions in their wandering and pull our eyes and ears towards home.

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