One of the greatest lessons of life that I have learned is the simple truth that in our process of sanctification- this journey we are on with Jesus to make us holy and set apart for Him– there will always be those who are three steps ahead of us, and those who are three steps behind us.

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to be looking to those who are three steps ahead to gather wisdom and knowledge so that we can reach out our hands and share wisdom and knowledge to those who are three steps behind. This is a never ending cycle of reaping and sowing within the body of Christ.

I was reminded of this truth when I witnessed a friend break down in salty tears over a situation in her personal life. I watched and I listened knowing the moment of vulnerability was fleeting. She felt hurt, anger and disappointment. And I knew it would take nothing short of a real miracle to save her marriage. A whole host of emotions and pain were involved creating friction and conflict. The words of comfort I had to share were bits and pieces of my own once-broken marriage, and the incredible redemption God brought to it. I spoke truth that love is not a feeling but an action. God is love… therefore God is action. I shared my heart that though she may have given up hope, I refused to give up hope for Jesus is the giver of all hope. And I prayed silently that one day she would want to know Jesus.

Whether it be a marriage, extended family, or even a work relationship, friction and conflicts are bound to happen. We all struggle with the conflicts of life and, in our humanity, most of us have to learn how to deal with these conflicts the difficult way. And learning humility is difficult indeed. The good news is that we were never meant to learn this vital life lesson alone. Our Heavenly Father gave us His Son Jesus to lean upon when the conflicts, difficulties, and disappointments in our relationships are too much to bear. God calls us to bring every hurt and heartbreak to Him for He cares more greatly than we could ever fathom.

1 Peter 5:5-7, Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

We can never give our hearts away for our heart is the dwelling place of God. It is either filled with the light and power of the Holy Spirit, or it is in darkness. We have the choice to either live in the light of Jesus, or live in the darkness of the world. But we sure can give our mind and emotions- our very soul- away. So easily through the process of reaction we put on the face of pride and unleash a string of emotions upon others.

But we are called to carry the light of Jesus through a dark and broken world. In order for us to do this, we must submit ourselves in true humility each and every day before the throne. When we do this- humble ourselves to God- we are gifted the ability to cast our cares upon Him. We can bring every fear, piece of guilt, expectation, and deep seeded need for affirmation within every relationship of our lives before His feet. And He cares about every relationship for we were never created to live this life alone. When we submit in humility, we are then able to experience one of the greatest of actions: the incredible power of grace washing over us.

Grace. The divine and unmerited blessing given to us for our sanctification- given to us for this journey we are on with Jesus to make us holy and set apart for Him. He extends this blessing to us, we extend this blessing to others. The never ending cycle of reaping and sowing within the body of Christ.

Father, we submit to you in humility this day. We set before your feet every struggle we have with those we love. And with those we struggle to love. We know that you have called us to make known the name of Jesus. May you give us an opportunity this day to speak of your glory and bring your story of redemption to light. In Jesus name, Amen.

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