This blog is a guest post featured today on – Life With Authentic Faith In A Noisy Pretentious World

Matthew 6:34, Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Spicy aromas wafted through the crack in the door as my cold chapped hand pushed it open. Hot brewed goodness saturated the air. I anticipated my delicious first sip and the belly warmth that would follow. Bright colours contrasted with low dim lighting creating an engaging atmosphere. Other hot beverage connoisseurs mingled about, some sitting on their lonesome, others in lively and animated conversations. The environment was one of camaraderie and all measures of comfort to delight the senses.

My eyes roamed the large display case, my reflection bouncing off the smooth shiny glass. Delectable treats of all shapes and sizes were stacked in neat little rows. Sparkly sugar tops and sweet creamy glazes covered scones, muffins, and all matter of baked goods. Though tempting, my conquest was one hidden within the depths of a well-known large red cup. I was greeted by a bright smile with golden blonde hair. My detailed order floated from my mouth to her awaiting ears. As I slid my debit card into the flashing reader, I lifted my head and asked, “Is it too late to make that extra hot?”

A woman, with pretty eyes and jet black hair swept back into a tight knot, stood just steps behind the glass counter retrieving a freshly brewed treat for another patron. After hearing my hurried request, she lifted her eyes to meet mine. With one hand raised in the air she looked at me and replied, “It’s never too late.”

Within a few moments my paper cup of deliciousness was securely in my hand, extra hot. Stepping back out of the door on route to my car, I pondered the quick reaction and weighty words of the woman behind the counter.

No Beloved, it’s never too late…

The burning bush I encountered that moment lingered long into the days that followed. How very much like the character of the God I love- this Heavenly Father of mine- to linger weighty words in my wayward soul. Those words simmered and brewed just like the fresh coffee I was anticipating. No child, it’s never too late.

It’s never too late to ask for forgiveness.
It’s never too late to forgive.
It’s never too late to find Him. Never too late to open the door.
It’s never too late to follow Him. Never too late to lead another to Him.
It’s never too late to find your purpose. Never too late to heed your calling.
It’s never too late to love. It’s never too late to love again.

Beloved, It’s never too late. Until it’s too late. And then, when it’s too late, you’ll wish you had more time.

We have been given all the time allotted to us. That time was set so long ago when every hair on our head was counted, every moment was measured. What we do with the time is the gift. What we do with the time is what matters.

How easy it is for us to take time for granted. There seems to exist seasons in our lives when we wish the time away, praying for the next season to come. On the opposite end of the spectrum there exists seasons that we wish to stretch out and we hold them with tightly grasped hands. We fight against time attempting to erase its presence, yet we beg and plead for more time when we feel it has been cut short. It appears that we are trying to play a game with time but naive to the reality that time always wins.

Because the Author of all time and eternity has already won.

How very easily we buy the lie that there is always tomorrow. Tomorrow will wait for us, and all that is holding us back from experiencing every measure of freedom to be found in Jesus can wait until then. It can all wait until tomorrow.

But let us be honest with ourselves. Tomorrow is never really tomorrow, but really an undetermined amount time in the recesses of our minds. Our tomorrow is not truly a fleeting twenty-four hours, but can be a stretched out twenty-four days. Or twenty-four years. And then we stand upon the Scriptures reciting that we need not worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own.

This is true. Oh, so very true. I mustn’t worry about things that I do not know of yet. I must’t worry over issues that have yet to arise. So I will stand upon the time I have been given and know that it’s never too late… to give it to God and walk in the fullness of Christ today.

As long as we have breath to breathe, hands to raise, and a soul to submit unto the Author of all time and eternity, it’s never too late to seize the moment and take captive all thoughts to Christ. All thoughts, like the one you’re thinking right now… that burden that you’ve got burning. The embers of that burden continue to spark and grow though you believe the flames with pitter out… tomorrow.

But don’t wait until tomorrow to do what you are capable of today. Though we think we are incapable, the truth is that we are not. We are God-capable for we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength… today.

Today I can ask for forgiveness.
Today I can forgive.
Today I can find Him. Today I can open the door.
Today I can follow Him. Today I can lead another to Him.
Today I can find my purpose. Today I can heed to my calling.
Today I can love. Today I can love again.

Father, today. Today is yours. I have made it mine for far too long. Help me to hand it over with open hands and a gaping heart. Amen.

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