25 Days of Advent: Forged for our Hope – Day 9

While reading an article of a brief but detailed interview telling the intimate story of one refugee family’s attempts at survival, I heard the hopeless cry of a darkened heart laced within the written words.

After a military missile ripped through their home, the patriarch of the family described how his son had to collect the bodily pieces of his mother and sister and take them outside of the fractured house. As one can well imagine, his son is no longer the same. A highly educated man, he barely has any means for he isn’t allow to work in the country where he now resides. Now stricken with cancer, the final words of his brief interview were the saddest expressions of a tormented soul:

“Everything ended for us that day. That was our destiny. That was our share in life.”

How heartbreaking to believe that is your share in life. That a Creator would destine you to an existence of pain, anguish, and horror. This is not the promise of a Messiah that would lay down His own life for our own.

God promised a Saviour that would come from Himself to save all people no matter their race or religion. Be gone with all false gods, One Saviour for all mankind. This promise came forth from king David, written in the Psalms. This chapter of scriptures asks the hard question of why the nations rage, and why they plot in their vanity. The Lord promises that One will come anointed by Him to rule over all nations and all nations will be His heritage:

Psalm 2:7, He said to me, “You are my son;
today I have become your father.

And this Messiah most certainly came. Christ came to set free the tormented souls of every breathing person who God created in love and with great purpose for their human existence. The choice is our ours whether or not we accept Him as our Saviour and ruler of our heart.

Matthew 3:16-17, As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

We are forged for our hope when we accept the Messiah as our Saviour, allowing Him to reign and rule over our life. When we attempt to reign over ourselves, we will only fall to ruin for our earthy kingdoms do not last. The scriptures do not promise us an easy existence, and it is truth that some will experience greater hardships than others, but Christ came for each and every one of us.

Yes, the storms will come. Some horrific, sad, and some so incredibly difficult one will not have the capacity to understand it. But in each and every one of these situations and circumstances we are promised that God’s Son will be there to carry us to the Father bringing healing where we need it the most.

The forging, the pressure of which we find ourselves under, will not break us. The pain may linger but life has not ended. We are made stronger than we were before, our strength giving birth to our destiny. This is our share in life: to not just exist but co-exist with the One who loves us.

Father, though the world is falling apart all around us, let us know that with you we can not only survive, but thrive. When we submit unto your throne, our destiny is no longer our own but yours. In Jesus name, amen.

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