Sitting in a coffee shop, the aroma of fresh brewed beans was intense. Mixed with the intoxicating lure of all things sweet, and a dose of feel good music drumming in the background, it is easy to see why people of all walks of life crowd themselves around tiny little tables or sink into overstuffed leather chairs. And buzzing around me were all sorts of animated conversations creating an atmosphere that pulsated with an electric current.

The power of a conversation has the ability to heal wounds and rip open new ones. Sharing one’s heart can make or break a soul. And the human voice in action can change the course of a single life. We easily converse with one another- it’s what we were created to do. We were purposely made with the need for relationship and human comfort. Born and bred into every heart is a desire for connectedness. But because of the sin that riddles the world we live in, that desire often becomes smothered, twisted, or even conformed into something it’s not. No matter what we try to do to fix it, the peace we seek to fulfill our yearning desire cannot be found in this world. It cannot be found for it does not exist.

We were created with the need for connectedness and conversation because the God who created the heavens and the earth made it that way. He greatly desires to be the one who fulfills the need so He sent us His very own Son to make a way for us to achieve the peace we try desperately to find.

Be joyful because you have hope. Be patient when trouble comes, and pray at all times.
Romans 12:12

When one prays, there is a power so great that riptides on this side of heaven. Our prayers to heavens throne room are akin to strong winds pushing water towards the shore. Jesus longs to converse with us for not only does He have great things to say, but He desires to hear. The power of prayer magnifies when that which was hidden in our heart is brought to light. And when we converse with Jesus, that which was foggy becomes clear as a weight is lifted, and sigh of relief soon follows on its heels.

The starting point for any journey is giving it life by the power of words. This is most certainly true for the starting point in our journey of faith. We need to talk it out and give it life. And we must do so with the One who is the giver of life: Jesus. It may be awkward, uncomfortable, or a concept that is not easy grasped, but the power of prayer cannot be denied. And if proof is needed, just converse with one who prays.

Father, I lift my prayers to you for I know that you hear them. You care about them. You desire to listen to them. Our journey of faith is an on-going conversation with you Jesus, help me to hear when you speak and pause to listen. In Jesus name, amen.