Exodus 4:11, Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?

A week ago my youngest daughter, who is nearly three years old, received her first pair of glasses. This particular journey began the day I noticed her left eye wandering inward when she was trying to focus on my face as I was talking to her.

Internally I freaked out because, lets be honest, when someone has a wandering eye, the person they are engaging in conversation becomes nervously sweaty, desperately praying that they will not/have not offended the blessed soul with the wandering eye.

All I could think of in the moment was all the nervously sweaty people. Oh, my poor child. I made an eye appointment for my daughter and hoped for the best.

My daughter was not all that cooperative during her eye exam. She became restless after the first few minutes and almost unbearable near the end. I had to take her back for a second exam to do an eye drop test in order to confirm the results. I was told it was either going to be an eye patch or glasses, but whichever route it was, it was the route to recovery. The problem with her eye was caught early enough to correct, and in a few years her vision in the left eye will be restored by the strengthening of the eye muscles.

What struck me funny was a comment by the optician when I was delivered the news that she would need glasses and was required to wear them all everyday all day.

“You are taking this news well. A lot people get upset when they learn their child will need to wear lenses.”

I did not think for a moment I wouldn’t take the news well. I mean, they’re just glasses… right? My child needs her vision repaired and I have at my fingertips the modern science and technology to offer her help and healing. How foolish I would be to internally freak out about her wearing glasses!

Oh, how foolish I was when I internally freaked out about her wandering eye.

There was a problem and I was given a burning bush to see it. There was something deeper under the surface and I was given the opportunity to address it. What would have been foolish was to ignore it.

If we are paying attention, He will show us the issue. If we are paying attention, He will take us deeper and provide us opportunity to address it. And heal it. Because He is The Lord Almighty who heals the sick and makes the blind see.

Within a day of her receiving her new lenses, she became accustomed to wearing them. My daughter soon realized that her sight was much clearer with them than without them. So much of what she was missing around her came into focus allowing her to accomplish so much more. Gone are the horrible pictures in my head of having to chase her down to continually stick her glasses on her face while she cried in protest.

Oh, foolish indeed.

Father, you are so very faithful to help us in order to heal us. Your Holy Spirit our guide- perhaps our shiny new spectacles-helping us to see the issues that may hinder us; holding us back from your very best. May you continue to help us strengthen our spiritual muscles so that we may see clearly… and let go of our foolishness for good.

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