As my hands were busy at work submerged into a sink of hot soapy water, I listened as my child belted out the lyrics to the song “Tomorrow” from the Broadway musical Annie.

Standing atop the seat cushions of the sofa, arms outstretched in vulnerability, she sang her heart out for an imaginary audience below.Of course, it was not long before the catchy melody and words lodged themselves into my own head. She sang aloud, I sang along in my mind. Round and round we went several times through the song.

She abruptly stopped in the middle of the chorus, turned to me and shared, “Oh, this song should be a worship song Mom.” Her commentary never fails to amuse me. And now, you too, are singing the words of “Tomorrow” along in your head. At the moment of her revelation, her performance took on a whole new meaning and she began to sing the words with greater joy as she used the sofa as her soapbox.

And, if you were to ponder the carefully constructed lyrics of the song, you could see where this child’s heart was sparked during her couch performance. Indeed, the sun will come out tomorrow. The cobwebs and the sorrow? Gone. Tomorrow. For Annie makes the choice to stick out her chin and grin and say… there is always tomorrow.

Lamentations 3:23, Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.

And I believe there is great truth to be found in this little ditty created within the minds of composers Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin. For God Himself has made us the promise that His mercies are new every morning, and though the sorrow may last through the night, joy will come in the morning.

Each and every day when we awake from our sleepy slumber, there are endless amounts of fresh mercies waiting for us at the end of the bed. These fresh mercies are the great nourishment we desperately need in order for our feet to hit the floor with purpose. When we blink to refresh our eyes to greet the day, we must refresh our minds to greet the day as well. For this new day, this ‘morrow, is the what we sang for yesterday.

To renew our minds is to renew our spirit as well. Every part of us- body, mind and soul- are interconnected. So, perhaps instead of wondering how He will renew our minds this day, we should stand upon the promises The Lord has already given us. When we partake of His bounty of nourishing mercies, our souls become satisfied with the presence of Jesus. This satisfaction brings us great freedom to stand upon the couch cushions and lift up our moments of vulnerability as acts of worship.

Father, thank you for your refreshing mercies every morning. And thank you that you never give up on us… even when we fail. Help us to keep our chins up so that we can see you coming over the horizon. In Jesus name, Amen.


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