Luke 22:42,… “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

My daughter had been clutching a black and white spiral bound notebook in her hands all morning. I would catch glimpses of her feverishly scribbling in it with her bright blue plume pen. I asked her what it was she was writing and she shared that she was writing the bible.

I inquired if she was writing out the bible, or writing a bible. Her clarification was of importance, and I braced myself for a most amusing answer. In the end she was indeed just attempting to copy out the bible into her notebook. She shared that she had a plan. Page by page, book by book, verse by verse, she was going to copy her precious bible into her little diary of sorts.

It was not long before she told me that perhaps the whole bible was indeed a bit much, so maybe just half of the bible. Then, maybe just a few books of the bible. Finally, just her favourite verses.

Though a lofty goal, my daughter had dropped out of the race.

How soon we give up when a challenge or goal begins to feel more like a burden. Often, when we cannot see the finish line, we believe the lie that the mustn’t be one. So, if we bow out of the race, no one will even notice. Sometimes we cling to the waves of relief that come when we have shed what causes us to experience pressure.

I know for I have been there, desperate to let go of the cup that threatens to overwhelm my soul. But if I have learned anything of value, it is the need to press on and press forward. Jesus knew what it felt like to press on and press forward greater than anyone.

He knew the length of time He had to go forward and make disciples of men was fleeting. He knew that He would experience rejection to His teachings, but He must speak the truth no matter the consequence. And He knew that He would be denied by one He loved, leading Him to His death.

And He knew His death upon the cross was a matter of great importance. Though He unleashed His heart unto His father, desperate to leg go of the cup that threatened to overwhelm His soul, He knew that He could not give up this burden for it was His burden to bear.

Praise Jesus that He did not think that His death was a bit much, so maybe just some jail time. And not even a full sentence of jail time. Finally, just a slap on the wrist.

No, Jesus knew that His death was no lofty goal so He never dropped out of the race. He ran it and He won. And one day the whole world will take notice.

Father, thank you for running the race to win it. You won it for us. Let our hearts be set upon a determination to keep running. Running hard and fast and wild and free, right into your arms. Amen.



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