A wee bit overwhelmed, I put my hands to my forehead and took a deep breath. I was attempting to finish up a project with a business client of my husband and was down to the wire and final details, but my creative juices had run dry. I sensed a slight fear of failing in the task. It occurred to me that I had yet to pray in this overwhelmed moment of mine. The Lord is the giver of all creativity, so why had I waited to ask Him to send a little more creativity my way?

Work, and the pressures that come along with it, have the ability to cloud even the clearest of vision. But if we are to work, doing our best unto The Lord, how can we think we can accomplish it without The Lord? We must stand on our faith that the work we need to do can and will be completed to the best of our ability when we are keeping our eyes on Jesus.

Hebrews 12:1-2, Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith […]

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation or circumstance where our gifts and abilities are not in tune with the work itself. This can make us to feel like we are drowning within the responsibilities and requirements of the job, and will often cause us to struggle mentally and emotionally in our day to day lives as we try to keep up with the rat race. I do not believe that The Lord desires us to have these struggles, but He allows these struggles so that we are able to have a greater understanding how He uniquely created us. This level of understanding is key in helping us to find our fit within the body of Christ. Sometimes in our humanity we learn this lesson best when we are put to the test and we fail. Trial and error is often necessary for our spiritual growth.

The Greek word for failure is “Hamartía” which means sin, and the loss of something due to missing the mark. And Hamartía is the type of sin that is of a self-empowered nature, not a God empowered nature. If failure is of a self-empowered nature, then the truth is that each and every one of us will fail. And we all do fail… we fail at something, fail someone, and we all fall short of the glory of God. But it is by Christ’s spirit within us that we have the ability to overcome failure and overcome the nature of ourselves.

In order to successfully overcome an obstacle, we must stop focusing on the obstacle and start focusing on Jesus, asking Him to send a little more of what we need our way.

Father, when the hefty weight of our work begins to push us down, help us to keep our eyes up so we can see the path and run the race you have laid out before us. In Jesus name, amen.

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