Recently a friend shared with me that he and his wife were in need of help. Praying about the situation for several weeks, they felt they had been given a consistent answer to their prayer. But on the heels of their answered pleas came a whole new set of prayers. They were in need of the courage to be vulnerable, opening themselves up to accept the help letting go of their weakness.

And that is exactly what prayer requires of us: the ability to be vulnerable.

To be vulnerable is to be helpless, defenceless, powerless, weak, and even susceptible. And to be vulnerable in our prayers is to relinquish our need for control unto Christ allowing Him to be our help, our defence, our power, our strength, and our safety.

Vulnerability is a character trait that the world is at odds with accepting it as a good thing. Many physiologists and relationship experts have written numerous articles and books claiming that one of the greatest keys to a successful relationship- any relationship- is vulnerability. To open oneself up allowing their thoughts and emotions to be seen and heard is considered a form of protection upon the soul. It repels lofty expectations and assists in helping one identify unmet needs and unfulfilled desires.

But with the many who praise vulnerability, there also exists those who equate being vulnerable with be gullible. To be gullible is seen as a social failure in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated. Because of this sneaky little lie, we build walls around our hearts and stack stones around our souls so that nothing nor anyone can lead us down a path of heartache and distress.

I can recall many times when my mind was on overload, an emotional storm brewing, and all I needed was to open my heart and mouth releasing my burdens by being vulnerable knowing that Jesus was listening to my irrational babbling. But mere moments into my prayer my mind would become so distracted causing my thoughts to get lost disappearing like raindrops melting into the ocean. Feeling infantile and useless, my pride would be wounded for being gullible to the enemy’s tricks and manipulation. It became the crazy cycle of my prayer life.

Through trial and error, over many moments of unscripted prayer, I learned how to be vulnerable in the presence of God through our conversations. I simply began my prayers by asking the Lord to create in me a clean heart.

But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me. For this reason I am happy when I have weaknesses, insults, hard times, sufferings, and all kinds of troubles for Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

To wipe the slate clean; to begin anew. To have the courage to acknowledge that I was helpless, defenceless, powerless, weak, and susceptible to the tricks of the enemy- and to fight against him by my own strength was difficult- gave me the freedom to lay down my pride and listen. I chose to see the truth that being vulnerable in a relationship truly is the key to developing deep intimacy.

And having a relationship with Jesus is the most intimate of them all.

Father, as I lift up my words to you in prayer, help me to be vulnerable seeking your strength. Give me the courage to set aside my fears and relinquish my desire for control. And make me wise to the tricks of the enemy knowing that your power within me is greater than the power within the world. In Jesus name, amen.