25 Days of Advent: Forged for our Hope – Day 23

The air was warm and heavily saturated with the smells of cloves and molasses. Awkward looking gingerbread men were making their way into the hot oven covered in telltale signs that children’s fingers had been hard at work.

While the cookies were baking and children were busy playing, my friend was attempting to make sense of a situation that was greatly grieving her heart. She shared her view that as a parent, it is most frustrating when you can see in foresight the consequences of your child’s choices, but they just don’t seem to listen to warning that slips from our lips and over our tongues.

That must be how God feels about His very own children- the children that are both you and I- far too often.

In the book of Genesis we find Abraham, the founding father of the Jewish nation of Israel, father to Isaac, and grandfather to Jacob. Abraham was a man of deep faith who walked in obedience to the one true God. In Hebrew his names means “father of a multitude”. Originally his name was Abram but God had renamed him Abraham as a symbol of the covenant that through Abraham a great nation would arise. A nation that God would draw unto Himself calling them his own people. The only requirement placed upon Abraham in this covenant was that he must obey God and do all that God instructed him to do.

Unfortunately, in his sinful humanity, when the waters of his faith were rising testing his obedience, Abraham struggled to fulfill what was required of him. Losing faith in God’s provision and promise of protection, Abraham made foolish decisions and fell into deception against the Pharaoh. He fled in times of crisis, lied, took bribes, and tried to fulfill God’s promise by his own hands.

Oh, how the Lord must have grieved over His child Abraham and the foolish choices he was making not heeding to the warning signs that his sin would cause him suffering. But God made a promise and would not go back on His word honouring the covenant He made with Abraham. God had the foresight to know that His plan was greater than Abraham’s sin.

Genesis 22:18, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”

The Messiah would come through Abraham’s lineage bringing salvation to all His children, not just the nation of Israel:

Romans 9:5, Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.

We are forged for our hope when we can obey, submitting unto the covenant Christ has made with us. Though we may struggle with the testing of our faith, we cannot give up our hope for His greater plan to prevail. Situations and circumstances in our life may bring us to our knees, luring us with the temptation to flee, lie, or bargain our way out, but God’s provision and protection over a life submitted is greater than any sin.

Let us be mindful not allowing our impatience and fear guide us into making foolish decisions letting go of God’s promises. And may we always remember that there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love.

Father, though I sometimes struggle to stand firm upon the foundation of your promises, steady my legs so that I may never fall. Your provision and protection over my life is all that I truly need. May I heed to your warning, obeying all that you ask of me to do. In Jesus name, amen,