Romans 12:2, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

I saw my husband’s head bent down over his computer. I approached him with a tender spirit. He shared with me that he has hit a wall, so I shared with him that we needed to pray. A most obvious answer, but pray together we did with knees on the floor and a heart ripped open before the throne.

But before we prayed I asked my husband a question: Is this a crisis of character or a crisis of circumstance? Because whatever answer it is determines the approach we take in our prayer.

A crisis of circumstance means we must drop our ego at the door. God already knows the situation or circumstance of which we are taking before Him, and we must choose faithfulness as our response. We have a choice to either choose faith or control. We can’t have both.

A crisis of character means we must drop our ego on the floor. At the threshold of the cross we must choose obedience as our response. God already knows what needs to be changed within us, and a crisis of character is our red-flag moment that He is trying to get our attention.

And- in my experience- God desires to change something within us in order to change something around us. The two often go hand-in-hand as a fundamental part in our process of transformation.

And know Beloved, the process of transformation is a life-long journey. When we feel like we have hit a wall, we very well might have. But Jesus isn’t just into the removal business, He’s in the recycling business. He doesn’t just remove walls, He transforms them one stone at a time into our very own yellow brick road.

Father, when the wall seems to big to climb, may we stand strong- never wavering in our faith- as we watch your mighty hand transform our wall one stone at a time. Amen.

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