Devotional Series

Each series lends a fresh perspective and in-depth look into topics from every day life.

Devotional Series

Each series lends a fresh perspective and in-depth look into topics from every day life.

31 Days of Now – Day 5

Devotional Series, 31 Days of Now|

While idling in heavy traffic amongst many other weary travellers trying to push home, I was recalling a recent conversation I had with an acquaintance. Unfortunately nearly every comment that came from their mouth was a criticism, and negativity seemed to saturate their very presence.

31 Days of Now – Day 4

Devotional Series, 31 Days of Now|

Moses had a staff, Aaron a rod, and David a speedy slingshot. Rahab had an intricately crafted rope while Tamar had a deep desire for social justice. Paul had far-reaching capabilities while being both a Jew and a Roman citizen. Barnabas had some real estate, Priscilla and Aquila had tents and an knack for making them, and Zacchaeus? Zacchaeus had money... and lots of it.

31 Days of Now – Day 1

Devotional Series, 31 Days of Now|

Many of us have perfected the art of procrastination. Believing that we perform to our greatest capacity when put into the fire is a little tale we tell ourselves in order to alleviate the guilt of putting things off until tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes and our hands become sweaty, our heart a wee bit race-y, and we can taste the dread of having to fulfill our obligations on the back of our dry tongues.

Announcing 31 Days of Now

31 Days of Now|

Hello my friend! It's that time again... the time to write. The time to link up, dive in and dig into writing words with a theme. It's October and once again I am embarking upon the Write 31 Days journey. Bloggers from all over North America link up and embark upon a mission to write consistently for one month on a particular theme.

31 Days of Now – Day 5

Devotional Series, 31 Days of Now|

While idling in heavy traffic amongst many other weary travellers trying to push home, I was recalling a recent conversation I had with an acquaintance. Unfortunately nearly every comment that came from their mouth was a criticism, and negativity seemed to saturate their very presence.

31 Days of Now – Day 4

Devotional Series, 31 Days of Now|

Moses had a staff, Aaron a rod, and David a speedy slingshot. Rahab had an intricately crafted rope while Tamar had a deep desire for social justice. Paul had far-reaching capabilities while being both a Jew and a Roman citizen. Barnabas had some real estate, Priscilla and Aquila had tents and an knack for making them, and Zacchaeus? Zacchaeus had money... and lots of it.

31 Days of Now – Day 1

Devotional Series, 31 Days of Now|

Many of us have perfected the art of procrastination. Believing that we perform to our greatest capacity when put into the fire is a little tale we tell ourselves in order to alleviate the guilt of putting things off until tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes and our hands become sweaty, our heart a wee bit race-y, and we can taste the dread of having to fulfill our obligations on the back of our dry tongues.

Announcing 31 Days of Now

31 Days of Now|

Hello my friend! It's that time again... the time to write. The time to link up, dive in and dig into writing words with a theme. It's October and once again I am embarking upon the Write 31 Days journey. Bloggers from all over North America link up and embark upon a mission to write consistently for one month on a particular theme.

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